Why to buy a vintage wedding ring?

It is not unknown that the classic princess diamond cut is the classic wedding ring, but if you want your wedding ring to be different and a little less unconventional, go for a vintage ring instead. Everyone wants that little extra special element in their wedding. Let your vintage ring be that for you. It adds a touch of elegance, glamour as well as a mystery and a history. It’s fun to own a ring that has special elements without you having to add anything to it. Still confused? Following is why you should go for a vintage ring:

  • Element of unique

You can’t go wrong with vintage if standing out is all you want. The jewelry stores have only repetitive and limited number of options but vintage rings have innumerous different styles that aren’t available at every nook and corner. Also, every ring is a unique design and no one else will ever own that same design. It is the statement of uniqueness. It is perfect for the brides who think of themselves are unconventional or unordinary.

  • Eco friendly

Diamond mining is destructive and not really environment friendly. It causes deforestation, soil erosion and dislocation of people. There is nothing classy about that. Getting a new vintage wedding ring will mean only recycling an old ring and no mining will be required for that. What’s classier than saving the environment while having the wedding of your dreams?

  • Less expensive

Vintage rings are usually priced at 30% lesser than the usual engagement rings. There is an elimination of retail money on the vintage rings. The rings hence go easy on your pocket as well while you can splurge more on other things. However, there can be exceptions too in case you want to get a rare stone or a design, it might be expensive than the traditional ones themselves.

  • Different experience

It is excruciating process to find the perfect wedding ring. It is extremely tiring. But, looking for a perfect vintage ring is a different experience altogether. It will also add to becoming a great wedding story. You don’t just have to plan a regular trip to a mall to look for the ring. You’ll have a great adventure during the process.

  • Can become heirlooms

The wedding rings represent a commitment for life and having just an expensive ring doesn’t mark a commitment. Putting a thought into it does. Vintage rings are a great opportunity to start a family tradition of handing out the rings to the next generations. That too, unique rings!

  • Element of history

Vintage rings have history attached to them. So, it’s fun finding out the history and who knows one might just find the most interesting story in it. This too gives a different feel and importance to the ring since it’s not just another mass manufactured product that can be owned by anyone easily just by paying some extra money for it.

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